Utils library

Status to Bitbucket

Available since 1.0

Keep track of a step status in the CVS


utils.build_notify(currentBuild, String key, String title, Closure process, Closure error_eval = null)


  • currentBuild is the meta object pointing to the current build

  • key is used to uniquely identify a task within a build, It should not contain blankspace and non alphanumerical chars.

  • title is the friendly title to be displayed to the user

  • process is the wrapped steps to be taken for this step to complete. it is possible to return a string to override the step annotation, i.e: Completed in 12 seconds

  • error_eval is the wrapped steps to be taken to evaluate an error annotation and return it as a string , i.e: The Jira ticket was not approved (Optional)


Simple usage:

utils.build_notify(currentBuild, 'my-tak-key', "My Task"){
    sh "echo proceed"

Step annotation usage:

utils.build_notify(currentBuild, 'my-tak-key', "My Task"){
    if (my_var == "yes"){
        sh "echo proceed"
        return "Process was approved"
    } else {
        throw Exception("This wasn't approved")
} {
    return "${my_other_var} wasn't approved to proceed."

Artifact generation

Available since 1.1

Create a new artifact that can be reused by a CD pipeline


artifacts.create_artifact(String path)


  • path is the path to the folder from which the artifact needs to be created


Simple usage using utils.build_notify:

utils.build_notify(currentBuild, 'my-packaging-step', "Deliver artifact"){
    sh 'mkdir -p build && echo generated > build/output.txt'

Get current M2A version

Available in 1.0 with library artifacts

Get the current version for which the active pipeline is running




  • currentBuild is the meta object pointing to the current build

  • Return value is a string containing the version, i.e: 20.11~beta~352


Simple usage using utils.build_notify and artifacts.create_artifact:

utils.build_notify(currentBuild, 'my-packaging-step', "Deliver artifact"){
    sh "mkdir -p build && echo 'Current build is ${artifacts.get_version(currentBuild)}' > build/output.txt"

Get current semantic version

Available in 1.0 with library artifacts

Get the current version for which the active pipeline is running




  • env is the global env object that can be accessed during the build

  • currentBuild is the meta object pointing to the current build

  • Return value is a string containing the semantic version, i.e: 1.2.3


Simple usage using utils.build_notify:

utils.build_notify(currentBuild, 'my-packaging-step', "Deliver artifact"){
    sh "mkdir -p build && echo 'Current build is ${get_semantic_version(env, currentBuild)}' > build/output.txt"

Check Terraform with Checkov

Available in 1.5 with library utils

  • Note: You have to instann checkov inside your pipeline Dockerfile. Ex: RUN pip3 install checkov


utils.check_terraform(Map params = [:])

Creates an analysis report from Dockerfile or other file and attach the report to the pipeline as an Archive

Only accept the below parameters as Map


  • dir String - Any directory name. (Default . (Current Directory) if not provide any files)

  • files List - Any file name. Ex: Dockerfile/Something.txt . Only run if not provide any d (directory)

  • stageResult String - FAILURE/UNSTABLE/SUCCESS. Change the stage result if checkov gets any error. Default FAILURE

  • report_file_name String - change the default report file name. Default $BUILD_NUMBER-report.txt

  • skip_check List - list of checkov check list. Ex: [”CKV_DOCKER_2”, “CKV_DOCKER_5”]. It will skip those check while checking

  • ignore_list List - list of ignore directory/file list. Ex: [”dir1”, “code”, “file1”]. It will ignore those directories/files while checking

  • quiet Boolean - If true then it will only return failed report. Default false

  • compact Boolean - If true then it remove code from the report. Default false

  • Outcome Function will attach the report file to the pipeline by archiveArtifacts


Simple usage using:

Note: This will check everything (tf files, Dockerfile, docker-compose, k8s, etc.) from the current location and 
retates a report file named <CURRENT_BUILD>-report.txt

Check only Terraform folder:

utils.check_terraform('dir' : 'Terraform', "report_file_name": "my-custom-report-file.txt")
Note: This will check everything (tf files, Dockerfile, docker-compose, k8s, etc.) from the Terraform folder and 
retates a report file named my-custom-report-file.txt

Check some tf/Others files:

utils.check_terraform('files' : ['file1.tf', 'main.tc', 'dockerfile', 'V1/main.tf')
Note: This will check only those files and 
retates a report file named <CURRENT_BUILD>-report.txt

Check with ignore_list:

utils.check_terraform('ignore_list' : ["ignore1", "file1", "ignore_dir"])
utils.check_terraform('d' : "TF_files", 'ignore_list' : ["ignore1", "file1", "ignore_dir"])
Note: This will check everyting from current location/TF_files location except the ignore_list files/folder and 
retates a report file named <CURRENT_BUILD>-report.txt

Check Dockerfile with Checkov

Available in 1.5 with library utils

  • Note: You have to instann checkov inside your pipeline Dockerfile. Ex: RUN pip3 install checkov


utils.check_dockerfile(Map params = [:])

Creates an analysis report from Dockerfile or other file and attach the report to the pipeline as an Archive

Only accept the below parameters as Map


  • file String - Any file name. Ex: Dockerfile/Something.txt . Default Dockerfile

  • stageResult String - FAILURE/UNSTABLE/SUCCESS. Change the stage result if checkov gets any error. Default FAILURE

  • report_file_name String - change the default report file name. Default $BUILD_NUMBER-report.txt

  • skip_check List - list of checkov check list. Ex: [”CKV_DOCKER_2”, “CKV_DOCKER_5”]. It will skip those check while checking

  • quiet Boolean - If true then it will only return failed report. Default false

  • compact Boolean - If true then it remove code from the report. Default false

  • Outcome Function will attach the report file to the pipeline by archiveArtifacts


Simple usage using:

Note: This will check Dockerfile from the current location and 
retates a report file named <CURRENT_BUILD>-Dockerfile-report.txt

Check another file:

utils.check_dockerfile('file' : 'a-file-name.txt', "report_file_name": "my-custom-report-file.txt")
Note: This will check a-file-name.txt from the current location and 
retates a report file named my-custom-report-file.txt

Check another file:

utils.check_dockerfile('file' : 'a-file-name.txt', "report_file_name": "my-custom-report-file.txt")
utils.check_dockerfile('file' : 'build/dockerfile', "skip_check": ["CKV_DOCKER_2", "CKV_DOCKER_5"])
Note: This will check build/dockerfile and 
retates a report file named <CURRENT_BUILD>-build/dockerfile-report.txt

Add Git Tag for Deployed Environment

Available in 1.5 with library utils


utils.add_deploy_tag(String env_name)

Tags the latest commit for git repo at CWD with deployed/$env_name

Only accept the below parameters as String


  • env_name String - The name of the environment that has been deployed


Simple usage using:

Note: This will override the previous deployed/prod tag and apply it
to the latest commit

Tag for a different environment:

Note: This will override the previous deployed/stable tag and apply it
to the latest commit